At Hatton Traffic Management Ltd we understand the importance of ensuring you are supported by a highly skilled and experienced team to design, build and maintain a safe working environment for all involved. We provide a wide range of services for all your projects from specification and design through to installation and final sign-off.
We work with local authorities, National Highways, Transport Scotland, Welsh Trunk Road Authorities and their appointed contractors to maintain, to upgrade and maintain the road network. To do this we provide design and management of high speed schemes built for our customers around their requirements.
Installing, maintaining and removing static temporary traffic management on motorways and high speed dual carriageways. Also for schemes incorporating contraflow operations and/or temporary road markings.
Static temporary traffic management on motorways and high speed dual carriageways. Also for schemes not incorporating contraflow operations and/or temporary road markings.
Mobile lane closure traffic management on motorways and other dual carriageways for short temporary works. Work such as verge clearance, vegetation cutting or manhole inspections.
Our team of trained operatives work together to ensure the health and safety of the workforce and all road users on our sites.
We Provide:
- Lane Closures
- Mobile Lane Closures
- Rolling Road Closures
- Static Closures
- Contra-flow Works
- Narrow Lane System
- Site Specific Scheme Signage
- Road & Pedestrian Diversions
- Site Installation, Maintenance & Removal
- Convoy Systems
- Temporary Road Markings
- Temporary Vehicle Restraint Systems
- Barrier Installation & Removal
- Traffic Safety & Control Officer
- Variable Message Signs
- Average Speed Camera